Fly Writer

The writer reveals

Bit by bit

Reality leaks

We can’t help it.

We don’t leave ourselves behind

Like luggage after vacation

We travel alone, but not alone at the same time.

When’s your next flight to the written world?

How long can you stay?

June Updates

Hi everyone,

getting use to mobile only posting on the blog. I’ve updated the publication history and collections tabs.

It includes 3 poems in the Fevers of the Mind poetry blog, a flash fiction in Sledgehammer Lit, and an interactive fiction flash on titled Notable Neighborhood Garbage. If it doesn’t run on mobile try desktop or vice versa, still experimenting with the medium/program.

I’ve put together a small collection of poetry titled Inside the Dripping Stain as well. These poems have the commonality of blood. If you’re interested the collection is available for download.

As always, thank you for reading. Hope you’re all doing well. 🙂

Re: Blog status

Been thinking about the last post and the decision to put the blog on hold.

Would I really let a minor inconvenience stop me? Breaks are fine but this blog was meant to be what it is, an outlet, a place to put the work.

It’ll take longer for me to post but that’s a minor issue. I’m thankful I’m able to post at all and I want to keep posting.

Thank you for sticking around.

Blog status

Hey everyone,

using an old PC and outdated browsers could only last for so long. WordPress on PC won’t allow me to post anymore(white screen). I’m typing to you from a phone.

Long story short, it looks like the blog’s on hold for now. These past few years have been great. I’ve really enjoyed updating the site. Thank you for sticking with me.

And hey, once I’ve updated a few things I don’t mind posting again. In the meantime I’ll focus on my writing. Twitter link is in my bio.

Not sure if I’ll pop up elsewhere but hey, you never know.

Thanks again.

Rebirth Idea

What can you do once finding out

That your favorite writer died

The same year you were born

One dies so another can live

You feel a connection deep down

As if a person dissipated

And became a sort of breathe

Air you inhaled

Fresh from the womb

Is this a possible thing or an idea to consume?